The Wild Ones are a Go anywhere,
Do anything, All in for Jesus Generation.
2025 DATES:
Phase 1 Lectures: May 1 – July 5
Phase 2 Outreach: July 6 – Sep 13
Phase 3 Lectures: Sep 14 – Oct 11
Lectures - $5,000 CAD 🇨🇦
Outreach - $6,000 CAD 🇨🇦 approx.
Costs includes tuition, food, accommodation, books & supplies, activities, course related travel.
Cost does not include personal spending money, travel health insurance or transport to and from Nanaimo.
God is calling a generation of messengers marked as The Wild Ones, and we want to rally them in Nanaimo, Canada.
Come – those who desire to have a wholehearted pursuit to follow and please Jesus above every worldly ambition. A generation marked with resilient faith and love, unwavering trust in God to preach, make disciples and unleash His Kingdom in wild places.

4 Features Unique to The Wild Ones DTS
Innovative Structure
We have reformatted the structure of DTS to cultivate a resilient faith to better prepare you for post DTS. Final topics include missional living, spiritual disciplines, calling and vision. You will have opportunities to invite believers into Great Commission action through Projects and Small Groups.
Life Coaching
During the DTS, students will have Christian-based coaching available once a month. We want to provide as much opportunity as possible for students to take responsibility for their spiritual walk and calling. Voluntary coaching sessions will be available after DTS for three months, each month.
There are incredible Christians outside of our YWAM community that purposely live on mission while also working regular jobs. They have contagious faith are often included in our DTS schedule through prayer, worship, evangelism, training, meal times, and weekend excursions.
Disciple-Making Tools
Part of being a disciple is knowing how to make disciples. We will have specific workshops and training to equip you with tools to disciple others at school, work, overseas- everywhere! You will get activated to lead bible study, pray for others, form small groups, share the Gospel, baptize, deliverance, leading communion, etc.

Format of Lectures & Outreach
Phase 1 - Lectures
May 1st to July 5th
The first phase is nine weeks of community-based discipleship in Nanaimo. You will receive teaching from a variety of passionate Christian trainers who live out the principles they teach. Each week we will dive into a different biblical topic, you will also participate in times of worship & intercession, local community ministry, and Vancouver Island.
Phase 2 - Outreach
July 6th to Sept 13th
The second phase is ten weeks of putting into practice everything you learned from the lectures. The goal of outreach is to make God known. Outreach will include summer ministry in Canada and/or ministry in Cyprus. Depending on student numbers, we may have multiple teams. Get ready, we want to unleash everyone to share their testimonies, pray for everyone and the proclaim the message of Jesus to the lost!
Phase 3 - Lectures
Sept 14th to Oct 11th
The third phase is four weeks of continued training back in Nanaimo. These weeks focus on debrief, spiritual formation, missional living and preparing you to pursue God's calling. This final month is designed to cultivate resiliency post DTS.

History of The Wild Ones
Before our team left Kona, Hawaii in 2018 to pioneer YWAM in Nanaimo, Francis Chan took up an invitation to speak in YWAM for the first time. He went on to share an unforgettable message to our missional community. His message planted a seed of faith in our team that would grip our heart and grow over the next five years of pioneering. As Francis looked upon our community, he specifically spoke to Gen Z. He described the young people gathered there as wild animals stepping out boldly and courageously from the safety and comfort of their homes and churches into the jungles of the world. A generation with undomesticated and untamed faith so that the darkest, hardest places in the world would hear the message of Jesus. These young messengers would be wholehearted in their trust and obedience to God as witnesses. That they should stay wild in their faith and thrive in the wilderness produced by their intimate friendship with God. Though convicting and challenging, our team was not ready for what this meant. The fruit of Francis's message in our team would take several years to form into a specific vision.
From '21 to '23, it seemed like society on a global scale was growing agitated and aware of a spiritual malevolence imposing chaos and suffering upon the world. It was as if all of creation was groaning and waiting for the sons of God to be revealed (Rom 8:18-23)! At the same time, hope was stirring and overtaking despair. God's glory and great purposes began to explode across the world. A growing movement brimming with young people from many nations, began to respond to Jesus, believing His message and teachings by stepping out in wild places where encounters with God were unexpected. Even though Satan lays out strategies to produce docile, confused, bitter, cynical, and comfortable Christians- Gen Z has been responding with an untamed, courageous faith, and unwavering trust in Jesus. There was more revelation to this given to this vision through God's word.
There are passages that have given much weight and clarity for the Wild Ones. The events and disastrous word that God gave to Israel in Exodus 33 ,when He said He would give them their promised land but He would not go with them since He may destroy them because of their stubbornness born out of fear and unbelief. However, this disastrous word was thwarted and God's presence would continue to go with them because of several factors:
God's character (Ex. 34:6-7),
the deep and personal friendship between Moses and God (Ex. 33:7-23),
and two young men under 21-Joshua and Caleb (Num. 14:24; 30).
And so, it is with the latter factor of Joshua and Caleb, that the same character, culture and Spirit that was in them would be over Gen Z- The Wild Ones as a go anywhere, do anything, all-in-for-Jesus, Generation!