To our YWAM Nanaimo Community,
We have been closely monitoring the emergence and global impact of COVID-19 and its impact on Canada. Our priority is to ensure the health and safety of our students, staff team and local community. For this reason we have been seeking God for wisdom and clarity regarding our upcoming April DTS and ministry engagements.
The recommendations and sources that we are following are the World Health Organization (WHO), official statements from the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, the Health Minister, Adrian Dix, and the Provincial Health Officer of BC, Dr. Bonnie Henry.
We have been working diligently to respond and comply with government recommendations in our country and region. Due to the fast-changing facts, restrictions, and closing of the Canadian border, it is with a heavy heart that we have determined that cancelling the April DTS will be in the best interest of the students, staff team and local community. As of today, there are no changes to our September DTS or our current Bible Core Course. We will keep you posted with any changes with our upcoming on-ground events.
We ask that you continue to pray for peace, wisdom, and understanding in this trying time. We are still seeking God about what our community and operations as YWAM Nanaimo looks like moving forward in this next season. Please join us in prayer for those affected by this virus. And lastly, please listen to the Lord for opportunities to serve those who are most vulnerable to the virus while remaining vigilant over your own personal health and safety.
Sanerivé & Tessa Fuiava
YWAM Nanaimo Directors